Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Today, I made the stupid mistake of attaching my new digital video camera onto one of the school's computers.  One thing about Chinese network and web communities that everyone should know about is that they are filled with malware, spyware, spam, viruses, and the like.

Anyways, I got a virus on my 8gb SD card.  It totally got hit with something bad.  Not 1 minute after I put my SD into my own laptop, Norton Antivirus popped up and told me I had a "high risk" intrusion that was quarantined.  Good thing I installed the latest Norton Antivirus software before I left Canada.

It does store and transfer videos.  But it thinks there are no photos on it even though I had something around 40 pictures on there.  I can do 1 of two things.  Either throw away my SD and start fresh, or make this travel blog into a video blog.  I'm too lazy make a decision...

Well, actually, I'm too lazy to be lazy.  I'm gonna make a decision.  I'm going to keep my corrupted SD card for student work.  Hell, their computers and digi-toys are all filled with viruses anyways.  What's more, the computer room I'm teaching in has a reputation from last year for being one of worst corrupted computer labs.  Now I'm not sure who did what to which computer.  I've been told it's the students who download things off questionable websites, which totally makes sense.  I've been catching students downloading all sorts of things since the onset of this school year.

Anyways, enough rambling.  I'm going to get some sleep.  Hopefully on the weekend, I can get a new SD card that will never ever touch any school computer...ever!

Oh yeah... one last thing.  Tomorrow my buddy colleague Mitch is having a FUBAR party in preparation to see FUBAR 2!!!


  1. No "deep freeze" protection on school computers? If students download stuff, once the computer is turned off, whatever they downloaded is gone.

  2. Great photos!

    If your camera offers computer transfer via USB cable, you might be able to get the images off the card that way.

    In any case, you could try formatting the corrupt SD card using your camera. Of course, you will lose the photos and videos that are on the card.

    If you must unload a SD card on a school computer, try flicking the little tab on the side of the SD card to the locked position before inserting it, so the computer can't write anything to the disk.

    It sounds like you are really taking advantage of your new space and time. It's great to read your blog!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @ Jim: Thanks Jim! I've just reformatted my SD card!

    @ Mom and Dad: There is deep freeze, but only on the nodes (student computers). I think that last year, the teachers allowed students to insert their USBs onto the network computer. Big mistake.
