The day's traveling around made me how funny things are here in China. In the morning, the hotel I was at in Wuhan didn't serve me breakfast, even though they gave me a food ticket. Luckily, Cathy's mom packed me some extra apples that I ate.
Another funny thing happened. In Pudong, I walked into a bathroom that was so clean you could eat off the ground. It wasn't crowded, but a middle aged man who really needed to go pushed past me. He looked into a stall and then ran out of the washroom. I glanced in quickly. It was an empty, clean toilet. But it was a Western sit down toilet. He did not approve.
Coming out of Pudong, I went to the Maglev, only to be told to not go on the Maglev. Instead, it was suggested I went on the exchange bus, which had a maniacal driver who got us to Hongqiao in a bit under 30 minutes, despite traffic. I nearly crapped my pants in fear of a spectacular crash and painful death.
It reminded me of an increasingly concerning issue in China that Cathy told me about, which will unfortunately affect school on Friday and therefore Cathy's work schedule on Friday. Around China, the school bus industry are notorious for unsafe practices. Some schools load up the school buses with kids to max capacity and then some. Once said buses have a head-on collision, which has happened around China get the picture.
My school has cancelled Friday school buses for the kids to go back home. I've been on the school buses before and I must say that whatever company we use do a pretty good job not overcrowding them. Perhaps during next term, more students will opt to stay on campus for weekends. Cathy will have to stay longer after school on Fridays, which sucks because that's our eating out day.
Bus safety for kids or better quality times being with Cathy? I choose the latter. Aren't I a terrible human being?
Now for something completely different, I'm in Seoul. I love this city. More posts to follow.
Maybe the man in the washroom left a personal belonging in the stall, like a camera ...