Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pahk the Cah in Hahvahd Yahd! Part 3

No images for this one...I'm on my old laptop which don't have my Boston pics.

Okay, according to a friend, I've fallen behind in my postings on here big time.  I guess I was just waiting for someone to say something in order to get my ass into gear.  I'm still writing about my trip to Boston which happened 3 months ago.  I haven't even began to talk about my second trip to Seoul, or my latest vacation to Yangshuo with Cathy and my friends Hedy and Alex.  They'll get here.  Just you wait...

Cape Cod, a quiet fishing village, was our next area to explore.  We rented bikes a few miles out of the town and biked around the area.  Needless to say, the place was stunningly gorgeous - crisp clean air, white sandy beaches, small piers filled with multicolored sailboats, and a hell of a lot of greenery.

As the day rolled on, Rob and I became increasingly competitive on the bikes.  We needed to race against each other.  Eventually, and unfortunately, our sibling rivalry reached a point where we more or less ditched Adrienne for racing towards the village proper.  Adrienne opted for sitting and swimming at a nearby beach without us.  Sorry Adrienne.  It's a Parungao thing.  It's bound to happen in the future again, so you might as well get used to it!

And as suspected, I won.  Okay, I have to give Rob a bit of credit.  He overtook me in the last mile, but I still managed to squeeze out a victory.  After returning the bikes, we had dinner at a small dockside restaurant serving up the local fare: lahbstah boil, clams, oystahs and Samual Adams Beah.  Gahd, I love the Bahstun accent!

The next day was our last one together, but I didn't have to get to the airport until the mid afternoon.  After checking out, we decided to check out the Samual Adams Brewery.  It was awesome, and made me really miss my wine-making (brewing and wine-making share some similarities).  We got to do a beer tasting and kept the glass in the end!  Our guide was really cool, and very knowledgeable about the brewing methods used at the brewery.  It also happened to be her last day on the job, so she shotgunned a pint with her colleague in front of the crowd.  Too fun!

In general, I must say I was very impressed by Boston.  It's such a livable city.  Definitely one of USA's best.  I'd go back in a heartbeat if I had the chance.  Flying out East for a 5 day vacation with Rob and Adrienne was great fun and well-deserved.  I don't know when's the next time I will see them, but I sure hope to see them again when I go back to Canada next year.

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