About Me


Welcome to my blog.  My name is Paul Parungao, a Canadian teacher who is currently working at an international school in China for my third year of teaching.  I grew up in Burnaby, the suburb next door to Vancouver, BC, Canada. My father is Filipino and my mother is Chinese Canadian.  I have one brother named Robert who lives in Ottawa and works for the feds.  My girlfriend's name is Cathy. I met her at work. She was one of my principal's secretaries when I met her, but she has recently switched jobs.

At UBC, I completed a BA in History and English literature, then went into the Teacher Education Program at that school.  I finished my BEd in Elementary Education.  Throughout my years at UBC, I worked at a restaurant on campus. It made me appreciate good food and drinks.

I am an avid traveler and have been to many places.  Last year, in 2012, I went to the following places in China: Yangshuo, Shanghai, and Nanjing. Last year, I also went to Seoul, South Korea and caught up with friends.  I also took Hapkido lessons on the side.  Cathy and I ventured to Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket and Koh Phi Phi in Thailand, which was a great experience for both her and myself .  I traveled back to Bangkok later that year once more for Muay Thai training with Kru Suphan at the National Stadum.  In summer, Cathy came to visit me in Vancouver, but had to work in Victoria, so I frequently went to visit her there.  I also went to Ottawa to visit my brother who I have not seen 2 year prior to that point.  By brother, his girlfriend, and I road tripped down to Boston, Massachusetts.  I also went to Seattle before I returned to China via Seoul (where I once again caught up with friends).

This year, 2013, I've already been to Bangkok (for more Muay Thai).  I traveled with a colleague to Toyko, Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto. After she left, I did a solo assault on Hakata and Busan in SK. To finish it off, I'm in Seoul once more.  This time not just for catching up with friends...but something else more significant.  More on that later. Read posts while (or if) I post on this part of my travels.

My interests also include guitar and martial arts.  Currently, I'm learning kung fu and muay thai.  In the past I have studied fencing, iaido, hapkido, RBSD and krav maga.  I also go to the gym.  I love hiking and outdoor activities (although I don't do this as much as I want since I'm stuck in a big Chinese city). I did, however, do a lot of hiking in Japan this year, which was a nice break from the greyish haze of Wuhan.

I really miss being a part of a Toastmasters public speaking club.  I do amateur wine making when in Vancouver for prolonged periods of time.  And speaking of wine, my favorite liquid in the glass is without a doubt red wine, specifically Spanish rioja.