First week. My students have very low English language understanding. They don't participate or answer questions. When I check for understanding, I realize they don't understand. They sometimes do understand, but they cannot express that they understand. Some won't stop talking in Mandarin. Others have talked to me in Mandarin straight up, assuming I could understand them. Some students in my English Foundations class are really disruptive. I have my work cut out for me
All in all, my first week was great. The first two days were Hell, but yesterday was awesome. I got my grade 10 students using the computers to access the school network. My grade 11/12's started on Microsoft Word and Excel, and my ESL class have already written something and have all posed questions and formulated answers in speech!
Today, my friends and I went to a mall and a Wal Mart. We decided to eat at a Pizza Hut. In any other instance, I would disagree with that choice of restaurant. But I was really hungry and needed to ask a worker "ce suo zai nali?"
Forgot to take pictures. The Pizza Hut proved to be an interesting experience. They had a WAY better and more extensive menu than Pizza Huts back home in Vancity. We got the Chicago pizza and the beef steak pizza (which didn't taste a thing like a beef pizza back home. Very strange, but it was good! We also had smoothies. Mine was a mango smoothie with some sort of really great tasting green fruit on the top. I only had one, but probably should have gotten 3.
Did your ESL training prepare you for your first week of teaching in Wuhan? Why not try a role play with your colleagues to consider various scenarios - they might be experiencing the same thing. Consider using Discover Reading to introduce a unit.