Saturday, September 11, 2010

Teacher Day

Yesterday was Teacher's Day at my school.  All the teachers got to stand outside near the flagpole and received roses.  I got two because my buddy Jason didn't want his.

My classes were very respectful.  Even my communications class, which is more or less an inner-city class full of ESL students...but in private school uniform, were very well behaved.  Good on them.

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Glitzy Teacher Day Party, on the left.

In the evening, there was a staff party at a new housing development nearby. I swear the housing area was straight out of North America!  And the party was glitzy.  It was like something out of the OC.  It was really, really weird walking in. The houses were blocked from the main road by a run-down, half constructed commercial block, but going through a gate, there was a super-clean housing area (probably for rich people).

Anyways, the party was at the community building.  It had a pool next to a workout area, restaurant, indoor bar and pool.  My buddy Nick and I walked in late, and half our colleagues were tanked already (there were free drinks...with hard bar).  I didn't eat since I thought there was dinner.  There was dinner...if you consider various assortments of white flower pastries dinner.  I decided to clear the scotch bottle of Chivas Regal 18 years, to the chagrin of my colleague Mitch. But there wasn't much. Once I emptied it, the bartender brought out a whole swath of new drinks...

Before my colleagues got their serious drink on, Nick and I decided to leave to get some real food.  We took a bus to a local night market, where we had fried noodles.  The cook was masterful with the wok.  He got the wok to flambe! The noodles were bloody hot! But they were excellent! HAO CHI!!!

Street noodles! Yum!

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